How to make frozen pupsicle treats

Today I wanted to share how to make one of my most favorite treat recipes, and that's homemade frozen pupsicle treats! They're quick, easy, and healthy. Me and my squad love them, which makes this a recipe for perfection!

In this post, I'm going to share some that I made with plain Greek yogurt, canned pumpkin and frozen blueberries. In case you want to see how these are made, I have a couple of videos to share with you --here's one of me making this recipe, and here's one of me eating this recipe!


Ok, to start, find a mold that you want to use to shape your pupsicles. You can use something you have around the house like ice cube trays or small tart pans, or you can use silicon molds that are specially shaped for pups like me!

Next select 2-3 fillings, and open them on your counter. Then, all you need to do is spoon a little bit of each of your fillings into your mold.

For the ones that I'm showing you, I put frozen blueberries in first, followed by a spoonful of pumpkin. Then I finished it off with a healthy spoonful of plain Greek yogurt with probiotics -- yummy! When you're done adding assembling your pupsicles, put your mold in freezer. When they solidify, your treats are ready! I like to pop them out and store them in a freezer back or plastic container.

Super easy, right?! You can also get creative and choose different combinations of dog safe ingredients, Here are a couple of other items that would be so tasty in your pupsicles:

  • Banana pieces
  • Apple pieces
  • Peanut butter
  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries

I hope you enjoy your treats, but I have to warn you --these are so pretty to look at and yummy to eat that you'll need to watch out for the Mommy and Daddy snatchers! Once you make them, share a photo of your pupsicles with me on Instagram!

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